
AndA pEngUnjUng kE

Sunday, June 1, 2014

How To Make WiFi Tethering in Windows 8.1

Windows 8.1 is nothing but an upgrade of windows 8. But Still to clear the beginners on how to make wi-fi tethering in windows 8.1 i made this tutorial. Also in this video tutorial i have some detailed explanation.
You have all came across Wi-Fi Tethering options in your android/iphone and it will be very easy to share your internet connection to any device(which has Wi-Fi).

Many of us have thought of how to do the same in our Wi-Fi enabled laptops/computers. I have made this tutorial on windows 8.1.

Kindly find the below steps to share your internet connection(connected in your laptop) to the Wi-Fi enabled devices.


Memperbaiki Resolusi Windows 8.1 pada Netbook

By default, resolusi yang disarankan untuk bisa menjalankan Windows 8 adalah 1024 x 768. Ini menjadi masalah ketika kita menginstall Windows 8 di netbook 10” yang notabene resolusi common nya hanya 1024 x 600. Ini saya alami ketika saya menginstal Windows 8 Professional 32 bit RTM di Netbook Axioo Pico-DJM saya keluaran tahun 2008.